Bringing Saltaire to You!
We offer history presentations in costume and character, lessons that pupils and students never forget, many saying that they hated history until they enjoyed our Saltaire Experience.
Sessions include a Salts Walks bookmark for each participant with the real history of a character that lived and worked in Saltaire. A set of rules for living in the village and a “now & then” map are also provided. Each participant is guaranteed a completely unique character. Watch students light up then squeal with delight as they find out they are married to each other and collapse with horror when they discover some of them are married to their teachers!
For cost and further information contact Maria Glot.
You can see the different options below and don’t forget to read our testimonials!

Option 1
We can come into your school in costume and character to conduct the presentation. Each participant gets a bookmark with the real history of someone who lived and worked in Saltaire when Titus Salt owned everything. The class gets a set of rules of the village, an up-to-date map showing what the buildings were used for then and are used for now and a sample of alpaca fibre, which made Titus Salt richer than ever.
Option 2
Your school can book a venue in Saltaire (list provided) and the guide can come there to do the presentation. The materials provided are the same as in Option 1. The teachers can then take the class around the village, finding the addresses on the bookmarks, as pupils love to find where their character lived.
A Selection of Feedback from Schools
Thank you for organizing the guided walk so beautifully, we all really enjoyed it. Your guides all made the visit so alive, that the students (and us staff) really thought the whole experience was great.
Mark Epstein, University Language Centre University of Manchester
Dear Maria , thank you for another brilliant visit. Could you please pass on my thanks and some letters of thanks from the children. See you next year.
Sandal Primary School, Gail Fieldhouse
Imagine people that are funny while factual, that are educational while exciting, that are crazy while clever; those people are your guides. We all thoroughly enjoyed the talk at the beginning and the guided tour was fascinating. Your tours for schools are enjoyable and exciting, funny and fabulous; this is how I would describe the amazing trip you provide for schools.
- Ellen Watling
Baildon C of E Primary School
Hello Maria, at last some time to send out a few ‘thank yous’. I’m very happy how you arranged our visit. Please send on my thanks to the two wonderful guides who worked with you and who took us around. A pity we were limited in time. I think we could have spent much longer in your companionship. The Saltaire visit is one that shall be remembered for a long time. Thank you all for a lovely morning.
Jean Pierre Billen, Belguim
Dear Maria, thank you for a wonderful trip the kids are still talking about it and many have been back to Saltaire.
Poplars Farm Primary School, Jo Warden, Year 5 Class Teacher
Thank you very much for the guided tours of Saltaire. We have been coming for over 15 years and your tours just get better and better. As usual this visit was a great success and all the students enjoyed their time in Saltaire. See you next year.
University of Hong Kong, Department of Geography, M.R.Peart